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Where in these regulations is referred to as “the golf course in question”, this is understood to mean the golf course with which the association has concluded an agreement and the members have the opportunity to practice the goal described in article 3.1 of the statutes. This is not by definition 1 golf course, but can also mean no or more golf courses due to developments.


By “Members” we mean all categories of members referred to in article 4 of the articles of association.


“Right to play” is the right of members, and the persons invited by them, to use the court during the time rented by the association.


When referring to “Standard clothing package”, we mean the dress code referred to in the dress code document.


“No show” means staying away from a reserved starting time or an event for which you have registered without canceling.


“Agreement” is the agreement regarding the use of the golf course in question.






Article 1


1.1 When registering as a member, the association will be informed of:


  1. Mr. Mrs.

  2. First Name

  3. last name

  4. date of birth

  5. address

  6. residence

  7. phone numbers)

  8. e-mail address

  9. emergency contact information

  10. clothing sizes

  11. diet / allergies

  12. bank account number by issuing an authorization “direct debit”.


Making this information available is a condition of membership.


1.2 Each member of the association automatically gives permission to the board when entering into membership to administer / process the personal data and use it for all (digital) communication within the circle of members of the association, on the condition that the board reasonably guarantees that this member bound personal information is not or will not be accessible outside this circle.


1.3 Communication takes place via e-mail, via WhatsApp, via newsletter, via website and (closed) social media.


1.4 Each member reconfirms this consent by paying the annual membership fee.


1.5 Failure by a member to give or withdraw this consent may lead to termination of the membership.


1.6 The personal data and vehicle data are managed / administered by the secretariat in the Member Register. The treasurer administers / manages the bank details, the (contribution) payments and the financial accounting. The Member Register is not public and general inspection is not possible.


1.7 A concise version of the Membership Register is periodically made available to members by e-mail. Members can indicate that they do not wish to be listed in the said digital register.


1.8 It is not permitted to share the information in the Member Register, including member-bound personal information, in any way with third parties or to use it commercially.


1.9 At the written request of a member, the secretary will provide an overview of the entries of that member in the files available at the association within 1 month, in special cases to be extended by 2 months. After termination of the membership, the entries will be deleted within a period of 3 months, unless the data is part of a so-called 'passive file'.


1.10 By entering into a membership with the association, the member also gives permission for the use of photos and videos on which the member can be recognized. This means that the association can publish the (portrait) photos or make them public in some other way and that the member does not invoke portrait rights. This permission only applies to the use of the photos by the association. The images are used exclusively for the benefit of the association, such as: folders, brochures (reports and books), advertisements and newsletters, posters and signs on the street, website and social media.






Article 2


2.1 Members, and the persons invited by them, are expected during their stay on the golf course or in the associated buildings and facilities to be familiar with, agree to, and behave towards:


  1. the statutes of the association;

  2. the house rules

  3. the course regulations and other provisions, regulations, rules, and directions that are established or given in mutual consultation by the board and / or by the golf course concerned.


2.2 Members, and those invited by them, adhere by the course to the etiquette and FootGolf rules established by the Federation for International FootGolf.


2.3 Members are and remain responsible for the conduct of persons invited by them during their stay through the track, in or at associated facilities, or in the buildings.


2.4 Members behave properly towards the staff of the offered golf course and treat them with respect. Complaints about the staff must be submitted verbally or in writing to the secretary.






Article 3


3.1 Applications for membership must be submitted using the appropriate online form and provided with the requested information. Applications will only be processed if the applicant provides all requested information in full.


3.2 New applications are placed on a waiting list and accepted in order of registration. Partners of members, children up to the age of 21 living at home and parents of youth members who have been members for at least 2 years have priority in admission. On the basis of special personal circumstances or in the interest of the association, the board may give priority to individuals or groups of people.


3.3 With the exception of youth members, placement on the waiting list only takes place after payment of a waiting list fee equal to the amount of half an annual contribution.


3.4 The waiting list fee is deducted from the first contribution upon admission to membership.


2.5 In the event of early termination after placement on the waiting list, 80% of the waiting list fee will be refunded.


3.6 If no use is made of an invitation to join, 50% of the waiting list fee will be paid to the association. The applications for membership can be continued against payment of a new waiting list fee. The date of payment then applies as the date of registration. No interest is paid on the waiting list fee.


3.7 Upon admission to membership, a membership fee is payable as determined by the board of the association.


3.8 Applications from junior members under the age of 18 must be co-signed by their legal representative.


3.9 Applications from business members must be submitted by the relevant golf course using the appropriate application form. Unless the number of members in the relevant category exceeds the number mentioned in the agreement or the board suspects that a business member is registered as a member with other intentions than the main purpose - namely FootGolfen - business members are always admitted.


3.10 A member who wishes to be registered as a yellow member in the coming year (article 4.2. F of the articles of association) must submit a reasoned request in writing before 1 November of the year concerned. On the basis of this request, the board will - whether or not motivated - honor or reject the request.


3.11 All yellow memberships are automatically converted to the membership belonging to the category on 1 January of the following association year, unless a written request for extension is submitted before 1 November.


3.12 The yellow membership can be extended a maximum of 4 times. After this you can choose a full membership or old membership.


3.13 Yellow and old members do not count towards the maximum permitted number of members as referred to in the agreement.


3.14 Refund of all or part of the association fee will only be made in the event of illness or injury (in case of a consecutive period of 6 months or longer), death or temporary stay abroad. The board examines each request for restitution individually and - without interference from the general members' meeting - has the option to decide otherwise.


3.15 The board may decide to use a catering fee to pay for club activities such as a barbecue. If more costs are incurred than the paid catering fee, it is possible that an invoice will be sent to supplement this amount, see Article 9.2. If less costs are incurred, the surplus will be added to the club fund.






Article 4


4.1 Members' right to play is personal and cannot be transferred.


4.2 The course may only be entered during activities organized by the association by persons who have registered prior to the organized activity and have paid the due green fee, or persons who have been declared as a caddy prior to the organized events - with the exception of the training evenings. or persons who wish to encourage one or more participants as spectators, provided that they are in no way a nuisance to participants or the organization. Of course, personnel of or persons designated by the golf course in question are allowed to enter the course at all times, if there is reason to do so.


4.3 The board will, in consultation with the relevant golf course, issue rules to regulate playing times. If desired or necessary, a distinction can be made between the categories of members referred to in the articles of association.


4.4 Members who, other than by participating in events, wish to use the course must reserve a starting time either at the reception or via the internet, provided that the golf course concerned agrees to this in the agreement and offers the possibility to use the offered course as a separate green fee. , or part of it. In that case, the member must report at the reception at least 10 minutes before the reserved starting time to pay and receive the starting ticket. The member must leave on time of the allotted starting time.


4.5 Cancellation must - depending on the type of event - be done in time for a partial or full refund of the paid green fee. For training evenings, a maximum cancellation of 180 minutes before the reserved starting time applies, for one-day events a final cancellation of 48 hours before the start of the event, for multi-day events, a final cancellation of 120 hours before the start of the event applies. If you unsubscribe in time, there is a full refund, unless the amount of the refund is described in the competition rules.


4.6 After three late cancellations or after two no shows, the member concerned will receive a warning. If, within two months after the warning, there is again a late cancellation or no show, a month of exclusion from playing will follow. This is repeated until January 1 of the following year with each subsequent late cancellation or no show.


4.7 For late cancellation and no show at one or more day events, the competition rules of the event apply.






Article 5


Every new member will receive the standard club clothing package after approval of the application and payment of the membership. Every first week of the month, an order will be placed for new members and members who want to expand the standard package - at their own expense - with uniforms or other items determined by the association. See page Clothing and regulations.


5.1 In connection with appearance and professionalism, the association makes it compulsory for members of the association to wear the official club outfit during all official events that are organized in both the Netherlands and abroad, unless a uniform is offered by the association with regard to European Championships or World Cups. .


5.2 During training evenings organized by the association, members have the choice to replace the official club outfit with the international or training outfit, unless the board is explicitly asked to wear the official club outfit.


5.3 For two-day - whether or not international - events and events where several rounds are played in one day, the international outfit can be purchased, which will be worn on / during the last day / round of the relevant event. If no international kit has been purchased by the member, the member is obliged to play both days / rounds in the official club kit.


5.4 For three-day - whether or not international - events, the training outfit can be purchased, which will be worn on the first day of the relevant event.
This kit will also be worn during the training days of single or multi-day events. If no training outfit has been purchased by the member, the member is obliged to play in the official club outfit every day.


5.5 On training evenings not organized by the association and during unofficial tournaments, members are free in their choice of clothing, as long as the etiquettes are respected. The association would of course appreciate it if the member chooses to be a calling card for the association at these times by playing in one of the three established uniforms.


5.6 The association tries at all times to optimize the image of its members, which - without chasing the member at extra costs - can result in changes or additions to the existing package. Any change or addition will be communicated to the members in advance.


5.7 All uniforms are provided with printing by the association as described on the page Clothing and regulations .


5.8 Sponsorships on the clothing package determined by the association are described on the page Clothing and regulations .


5.9 If paragraphs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and / or 5.4 are not complied with, Article 6.7 of the articles of association will be reverted to.





Article 6


6.1 Members are obliged to report changes in address or other information important to the association to the board as soon as possible.


6.2 Members who live at one postal address receive all general mail from the association only in singular in the name of the longest-term membership.






Article 7


7.1 The board is assisted by committees, which perform their work independently under the ultimate responsibility of the board.


7.2 Members of these committees are appointed and dismissed by the board in consultation with or on the recommendation of the relevant committee. In the event of vacancies or an increase in the number of members of a committee, the relevant committee can propose candidates to the board for appointment. The chairman is appointed by the board, if possible on the recommendation of the committee.


7.3 The term of office of committee members is in principle 4 years; they can be reappointed indefinitely. Reappointment takes place tacitly by the board, unless otherwise decided in consultation.


7.4 The board determines and establishes the duties and powers of the committees. The committee reports to the board by sending the report of the meeting held to the secretary and to the board member who focuses on the work area of ​​the committee. The secretariat will receive a copy of correspondence conducted by the committee.


7.5 Committees usually meet online or at someone's home.


7.6 The receiving committee member will receive a fee to be determined by the board for each member present for costs incurred for coffee, tea and soft drinks.


7.7 Consultations between the committees and the board take place at least once a year. The committee chairmen will pass on other agenda items to the board no later than 1 week before the scheduled date.


7.8 Financial responsibility is regulated in a financial protocol that is established by the board.






Article 8


8.1 If objects belonging to or under any title whatsoever in use by the association or golf course concerned are broken or damaged by a member, guest or any other person present, that person is obliged to compensate the damage.


8.2 If the damage is caused by a guest, the introducing member is personally liable for it.






Article 9


Upon entering into membership, the member authorizes the association to continuously send direct debit orders to the member's bank to debit an amount from the member's account due to membership, attendance at activities, purchase of clothing, and other services provided by the association to the member.


9.1 Annually, preferably in the month of November, the members will be sent the memorandum for the association contribution.


9.2 Every month, preferably before the last day of the month, costs that have arisen in the course of the current month can be charged.


9.3 The amount due must be paid within one month after the date of the invoice and must be credited to the association's account before the payment date stated on the invoice.


9.4 A reminder will be sent in the event of late payment. In the event that payment is still not made, a second letter will be sent in writing and by registered mail and a fine of at least fifty euros (€ 50) to be determined by the board will be due. If the amount due is not paid within the period of thirty days, article 6.6 of the articles of association will come into effect.








Article 10


10.1 If a written vote is taken in the general meeting, the board will form a voting committee from the members present that collects and counts the votes. The board will issue certified ballot papers to the voting members. Only one vote per member can be cast per member - subject to written authorizations known to the board.


10.2 Votes not cast are considered to be:

  1. blank and signed ballot papers;

  2. ballot papers that do not clearly identify a person or a person who has not been nominated;

  3. ballot papers with more names than the number of people to be elected.


10.3 The decision as to whether or not the aforementioned cases occur is with the voting committee.


10.4 If, in the election of vacancies, there is more than one vacancy and there are more candidates than vacancies, the chairman will raise the election for each vacancy separately. Only one vote can be cast per vacancy.






Article 11


11.1 In all cases that are not provided for in the statutes and the internal regulations, the board will decide, possibly after consultation with the golf course concerned.






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